Nordisk seminar

The 22nd Nordic Art Therapy Conference

Exciting news: The 2024 conference will take place at a new venue!
We would like to welcome you to Elverum folkehøgskole, Norway,
9th – 12th of June 2024.

Conference theme:
Avenues of Hope
and The Power of Art

We live in uncertain times, and creative expressions are more important than ever.

The need to rediscover, create and strengthen hope seems to be crucial, both in a global, a professional and a personal context.

Call for papers

We have received a good number of proposals/abstracts, but we welcome more, particularly proposals for workshops or paper/workshop-combinations!

A completed proposal document should be sent to:

Extended deadline: Please send your abstracts for paper presentations or workshops by December 1st 2023.

Criteria for peer reviewing

Please note only one proposal per applicant will be reviewed.

All submissions will be peer reviewed by a professional, Norwegian review board. If selected, the abstracts and the author’s information will go into the conference program and therefore should be fit for publishing.

Abstract layout for all submissions

  • Abstracts should be no less than 250 words and no more than 300 words
  • Abstracts should be submitted in English and your own language

In order to assist with the review of abstracts and the publication of the abstracts, the following form is pre-formatted and should not be changed.

Authors should carefully observe the following formatting and style conventions:

  • Titles should be Arial Bold 14 point single spaced
  • Author information should be set two lines below the title and in Arial 11 point. It should consist of three lines single spaced: author’s name, department/school, institution (where appropriate)
  • The body of the abstract should be set two lines below your author information
  • Font should be Arial 11 point
  • Line spacing should be 1.5 with double spacing between paragraphs
  • Text should be set left, non-justified, block paragraph/s (no indent)

Download the 2024 proposal document (Word) here.
Please note: The document should be renamed with your name!

4 svar til “The 22nd Nordic Art Therapy Conference”

Dear Team,

I have a question. Will the conference days, workshops and so on be held in English, or in a nodic language?
Cause a colleague and me are thinking about going up to Norway to take part (we are from Austria), but wanted to check first, if it is also tought for «southern» participants.

Thanks a lot in advance and kind regards,

Hi, I am really keen to hear more of your conference as it becomes available.
Karryne Hearn AThR

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